Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Craft Show Set Up

Well, I had my first craft show of the year. It was close enough to me - only 5 minutes from my house.

My sister came up and sold her handmade mittens out of recycled sweaters - she only sold one pair but lots of lookers. I figured it was 75 and too hot for people to buy mittens.

I was so excited to get my area set up with my new EZ up tent so I thought I'd share what my little space looked like.

Check out my flickr page for more pics:


Abby said...

Looks like a great setup for your show! Maybe we--being that we're neighbors and all :)--can do a show together sometime! I've never done one, but I'd LOVE to!!
BTW--I'm gonna link to you from my that ok?

luv4sams (Lisa) said...

Hi Abby!Sure you can link me!

Andrea Baker said...

I've nominated you for a bloggy award. Check out my blog for details.

You haven't posted in your blog for a while but I dont remember seeing yoru craft fair set up. Its beautiful!